Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Gluten Free Chicken Saltimbocca Strips with Sultry White Wine Sauce

My Italian isn't up to par, but I am told (thanks, Wiki) that the Italian word saltimbocca translates as being "jumps in the mouth". With this being the case, I envisioned creating almost bite-sized chicken saltimbocca pieces. What I've come up with are more strips than nuggets; this way you get way more prosciutto.This dish is full of richness--it has a lovely salty tone from the crispy prosciutto, a creamy, slightly nutty flavor from the edam and a rich, full-bodied tang from the sultry white wine sauce.

Chicken Saltimbocca::chicken, sage, Dutch edam, prosciutto, white wine, garlic, chicken stock, seasoning
Now, I know there's nothing Italian about Dutch cheese, but I love edam. It is by far the stringiest cheese there is and when it has been warmed, it gets a 10 on the goo scale. This is super gooey cheese, the kind of cheese that grilled cheese sandwiches were invented for. Alas, this delicious Italian dish is no grilled cheese; so let's get to it!

The groceries you'll need:
chicken breasts
proscuitto, halved
30 grams of Dutch edam, shaved
1/2 tbsp minced garlic
black pepper
1 tbsp dried sage
1 tsp olive oil
4 tbsp white wine
3/4 cup chicken stock
2 tbsp unsalted butter, cold and cubed
2 tbsp lemon juice

To prepare the chicken strips, place the chicken on a cutting board and first sprinkle with some pepper. Next, top with the sage, followed by the edam and then covered with a piece of prosciutto. Drape a sheet of cling film over the chicken and using a rolling pin, beat 'til thin.

Cook the chicken prosciutto side down in a hot, well-oiled pan. You'll probably get cheese oozing out of the sides and some of the prosciutto falling off when you flip the meat. Don't worry, just let this stick to the pan; it'll enrich the sauce later.

After the chicken has been cooked thoroughly, move to rest, covered. To make up the sultry sauce, remove the pan from the heat, discard any oil but not any bits left in the pan, and add the garlic and the white wine. Placing the pan back over the heat, allow the garlic and wine to reduce by about 1/3.  Use this time to scrape up any bits of cheese or prosciutto

When the sauce looks syrupy and has a nice shiny gleam, add the chicken stock. Bring to the boil and allow to reduce by about half. Once the sauce is shiny and gleaming again, switch off the heat and gently stir in the cold, cubed butter. Once all the butter has melted, add your lemon juice and give it a stir. Plate up, dressing each strip with the sultry sauce.

1 comment:

  1. Chicken Saltmbocca is a favorite in our family. I like the idea of the strips making smaller portions for the kids to enjoy. Thanks for sharing this delicious recipe.


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