Tuesday, April 30, 2013

Tasty Tuesdays #8 plus Features & an Ad Opportunity

Welcome to Tasty Tuesdays!
I'm excited that you're interested in sharing your delish dishes with the blogging community through my link party. Scroll down to see if you've been featured & if you have, don't forget to display a featured badge & help attract other bloggers.

As always, I'd love it if you helped to spread the word about this party by inviting your blogging buddies to participate. Don't forget to grab a participator's button to display on your blog where you see fit. Also, if you've been featured, swipe a snazzy button for your blog/newsletter:

Grab button for Anyonita Nibbles

Grab button for Anyonita Nibbles

Before we get to the features, I'm seeking co-hosts for this link party! You'll receive loads of e-marketing of our blog including Tweets and Facebook posts featuring you and your blog, as well as weekly pins. You'll also increase your followers and likes on Facebook, all for co-hosting! Interested? Send me an email to munchies [at] anyonita-nibbles [dot] com!


Featured from last week's party

Want to be featured too? Then remember to stop by and visit other people's blogs!

Here are the top three most clicked or commented links! Well done, guys!
featured recipe Meyer Lemon Lemon Curd
I love lemon curd, y'all and I am so excited about this one!

Delicious-looking Goat Cheese Goodness from Inspired Healthy Organized

Refreshing Mango Blueberry "Smoothie" Cocktail from Willamette Valley Wonder Woman

A few rules of the party
  1. Follow Anyonita Nibbles socially (however you'd like) and let me know so I can do the same in return!
  2. Visit other links in the party. Leave a comment stating that you stopped by. (We all love to read comments, so share the love!)
  3. Spread the word; grab a participator's button and display it on your blog.
  4. Link to your recipes--no giveways or promos, please.
  5. As a participant, you acknowledge that photos from the post you link may be distributed as a part of the Tasty Tuesdays Feature and/or across my social media platforms. If this is the case, all photos will be credited back to your sites and posts and credit will be given.

All right, here we go, party people!

We're so social! Why not connect with us?
Image Map


  1. Replies
    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Hey there! Got your inquiry on a button swap, but couldn't reply to your email since you are marked as no-reply :o( Feel free to visit my buttons page here and steal the code that works best for your website:


    I didn't see your button, can you send me the html and I'd be happy to display it on my website :o)

  3. Hi! I had no idea I was a no-reply blogger! :( Gah! That's all sorted now, though!
    Unfortunately, the way I have my ads set up, you'll have to "purchase" a free ad from my sponsor page: http://anyonitanibbles.blogspot.co.uk/p/sponsors-ads.html Click on the ad called "A Nibble of Exposure" and put in this promo code: loveme?swapme! & it'll be free. I'll send you the HTML for my button in just a few minutes!

  4. Thank you so much for the feature!!! Thanks for hosting such a fun party each week! I am going to e mail you and get more info about the co hosting

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. Thanks so much for hosting another yummy party! :-) Have a great week!

    Hannah ♫
    Sew Lah Tea Dough

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. I am coming to party for the first time! I've got your party button up on my Party page and I'm excited to be joining you :) Krista @ A Handful of Everything

    1. Thank you for partying with us & for putting the button up! :) Welcome!

  7. Just happen to find your link party! We would love to have you share some recipes on our new sister site - MyRecipeMagic.com. It's a great way for bloggers to drive traffic back to their blog, it calculates nutritional value and weight watcher points, you can even make some money. Stop by and become our newest chef!! -The Six Sisters

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  8. Thanks for hosting and inviting me! I posted two since you'd seen the meatballs before. Hope ya don't mind! :)

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  9. Thanks so much for the invite and the party :)

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  10. Thank you so much for the invite and for the party :)

    1. You're welcome! Thanks for coming to party! :)

  11. Thanks for the invitation to attend your party and for linking up with mine!

    Have a great week.

    Kathy Shea Mormino
    The Chicken Chick

    1. Thank you, kathy! I'm glad you've stopped by! :) I love seeing those adorable chickens :)

  12. Thanks for inviting me over to your party! I'm your newest follower.

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  13. Thanks for hosting another great link party this week! How exciting that it's growing so fast :)

    Hope you have a fantastic week!


    1. I know! I couldn't believe it; hopefully the momentum will keep up! Have a good week yourself & don't try to do too much! :)

  14. Thank you so much for the invite and for hosting!

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  15. Thanks for the invitation. I'll add your button to my parties page and come back next week.

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  16. What a fantastic blog Anyonita!! I love your enthusiasm. Thank you for inviting me to link my recipes at your food party. At the moment I am not working very much with my blog because I am too busy developing other projects (blogging is nice but time consuming...). I will add you blog to my yahoo reader and keep me updated with future events. CIAO


What do you think of this recipe? Be sure to tag me in any recipes you make on social media and use #anyonitanibbles!