Wednesday, May 21, 2014

Anyonita's Virtural Bake Sale #CurrysBakeSale

Anyonita Nibbles is raising money for Fare Share as part of the #CurrysBakeSale

Most of the opportunities I get pitched are usually ones that will benefit just me, which is nice,but it's not exactly the safest sitch to be in terms of karma. I try to help people as much as I can, although my volunteering and acts of kindness these days are usually reserved for blogging tutorials and coding help (it can be really difficult to turn up at a charity with a stroppy two year old and try to volunteer!).

When I got approached about taking part in the #CurrysBakeSale I was on the fence about what to decide. I love the premise: a bake sale to raise money for charity! But as the details emerged and I reflected on my busy life, I started to tally up reasons why I shouldn't participate

I won't lie. The odds were stacked, but I couldn't not give it a go. It's for charity and a charity of my choosing! And I wouldn't be doing anything that I wouldn't normally do: simply baking cakes. Really, I had no excuse not to get involved when I thought about it. I'm pretty fortunate/lucky/blessed and the least I can do is give back. Plus fattening you folk up with my baking while helping Fare Share keep the country's homeless and less fortunate fed seems like a pretty spectacular trade off!

Here's the deal on how this Virtual Bake Sale is going to work:
You'll have until 8pm Friday to place your "order." I'll bake like a madwoman on Saturday and Sunday and goodies will be available for collection from me in Manchester (I live dead in the center of town, so I'll be super easy to find) on Monday and Tuesday. I'm working on getting collection points situated at University of Manchester and at Manchester Metropolitan University, too.

The gluten free goodies on offer:
Chocolate and vanilla French macarons (really, did you expect any less?) 

French madeleines: little seashell shaped cakes sweetened with honey, made light with rice flour and popping with citrus zest. They might even be halfsies dipped in chocolate. Just maybe.

What it's going to cost you:
 4 macarons for £3
 2 madeleines for £2
M&M combo (both treats) £5
Donations kindly accepted if you don't want any goodies!

Next steps:
Hop on over to my Indiegogo campaign and make your contribution! Be sure to leave a valid email address and phone number so I can contact you about collecting your treats and thank you for your generosity!

While your goodies bake, these other UK based bloggers will be whipping up treats for #CurrysBakeSale, too! Check them out:

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