Wednesday, October 8, 2014

Gluten Free Fruity Energizing Protein Smoothie

Two-ingredient smoothie full of protein to help get your day off to a fantastic start!
A delicious v8 and protein powder smoothie that's healthy, too! |

Yield: 1
Prep time:
Cook time:

Fruity Energizing Protein Smoothie

Hello, everyone! I'm so excited to be posing for the first time on Anyonita's blog! I always drool over her recipes and photography, so hopefully I am doing her blog justice with this yummy smoothie!

I love smoothies.You may even call me obsessed. It's just so easy to throw a bunch of healthy things into a blender to get some nutrients into your belly fast. What's even easier is when the smoothie only involves two main ingredients. This fruity energizing smoothie can be whipped up in two minutes and will give you plenty of energy to tackle whatever you have on your plate for the day.

Pink power protein smoothie from Semi Health Nut for

Blending up healthy smoothies is actually part of my day job (my other job is discussing all kinds of semi-healthy topics and taking lots of pictures for my blog.) I work at a cafe inside a gym, so we make all kinds of uber-healthy smoothies for our clients. The awesome thing about the cafe is that I have so many fruits and veggies available to me to whip up each unique smoothie or shake. My new favorite thing is adding an avocado for its healthy fat and the creamy texture it adds to the blended drinks.

Unfortunately, my fridge at home doesn't always contain the same wide variety as the one at the cafe. Thus, this fruity energizing protein smoothie that I threw together with ingredients I had on hand. All you need is your favorite protein powder, a can of v8 Fusion Energy and some ice! The v8 Fusion Energy contains plenty of vitamins and the energy comes from green tea and vitamin B12. If you want to add even more nutrients, you can toss in some spinach or kale and you won't even taste it because of the delicious fruity flavor.

I like to drink this as a mid-morning or afternoon pick-me-up but it would also make a good breakfast on-the-go! It's so easy, quick and you know the ingredients aren't going to go bad in your fridge (or even in your cupboard).


For the protein smoothie
1 cup ice
2 scoops protein powder

8 ounces of v8 V-Fusion Energy Pomegranate Berry
handful spinach or kale leaves (optional)

Use what Amanda uses 
Tips from Amanda
  • Whey protein tends to fluff up more than a vegan protein, so you may not want to blend as long with whey protein.
  • Since there is caffeine in the v8 V-Fusion energy drinks, it really depends on your tolerance for caffeine. Personally, I try to stop the caffeine 5 to 6 hours before bedtime.

Fruity Energizing Protein Smoothie


  1. Throw everything into a blender and blend until smooth.
  2. Drink up and enjoy!
Fruity protein energy to replenish your energy and kickstart your morning! From

Image Map

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for letting me host, Anyonita! I had fun with the photography and this smoothie is definitely a frequent beloved pick-me-up over here! :)


What do you think of this recipe? Be sure to tag me in any recipes you make on social media and use #anyonitanibbles!