9 Beautiful Blueberry Recipes at #tastytuesdays

Tuesday, July 29, 2014

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An explanation of why you should link up to #tastytuesdays on Anyonita Nibbles

Last Week's Features
9 beauitful blueberry recipes roundup Image Map
 Click each photo to be taken directly to the post.

If you were featured on Anyonita Nibbles, I'd appreciate if you spread the word by grabbing a  featured button & displaying it anywhere you see fit on your blog, but there's no obligation to do so!

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Even if you weren't featured, you can still spread the word about the party by grabbing this button:

I party and get pinned at Tasty Tuesdays at Anyonita Nibbles
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  1. Thanks for hosting Anyonita! Love this link up, and lots of great pins to check out this week so far :)

  2. Thanks for hosting and featuring my blueberry bread! I love the way you do the collages, it is neat how each picture links to a different post.

    1. Anne, Anyonita has a terrific tutorial for how to turn each image into a link. You can find it here: http://www.anyonita-nibbles.co.uk/2014/03/how-to-make-every-image-in-collage-link.html
      I'm so steeped in Mac products that the concept of 'right clicking' was hard for me to grasp, but Anyonita's easy tutorial helped me figure it out.

  3. Thanks so much for the party Anyonita!! I hope you have a great day! :)

    Sandi @ A New York Foodie

  4. Happy Tuesday! What a great collection of pins. Happy to be a part of it! =)

  5. Hope you're having a sweet day Anyonita and thank you for hosting!!


  6. Anyonita,
    I'm so glad you use pins--it's gotten me into the hang of pinning each post as it goes live, and I appreciate that help!
    I've got a couple more fruit recipes for you today--peach yogurt muffins and a cantaloupe prosciutto pizza--as well as turnip fritters. Why turnip fritters? Well, when you get turnips week after week in your farm share box . . . well, you get to frittering.
    Thanks for hosting!

  7. Thanks so much for hosting and featuring my Greek Yogurt Blueberry Muffins!

  8. Hello cute Lady! I love stopping by your fabulous party. Thank you for hosting. Please come and party with us. We would love to have you! http://loulougirls.blogspot.com
    Happy Tuesday! Lou Lou Girls

  9. Thank you for featuring out Blueberry Biscuits :) Have a great week!

  10. Thank you for featuring my blueberry cocktail. How exciting! Thank you for the party as well! I always look forward to Tasty Tuesdays


What do you think of this recipe? Be sure to tag me in any recipes you make on social media and use #anyonitanibbles!