#tastytuesdays102: We're Back!!

Tuesday, September 8, 2015

After a brief hiatus for summer break, we're backfor the weekly #tastytuesdays party! Come share your most pinworthy of projects to get pinned to a massive board!

Get your food pins repinned to a massive board by linking up to #tastytuesdays

Please link up your PINS so you can benefit from my repinning!

An explanation of why you should link up to #tastytuesdays on Anyonita Nibbles

Last Week's Features

Image Map
Come back next week to see who's featured! All featured posts will be shared on my Facebook page and Instagram account next week, too! If you were featured on Anyonita Nibbles, I'd appreciate if you spread the word by grabbing a  featured button & displaying it anywhere you see fit on your blog, but there's no obligation to do so!

I was featured on Tasty Tuesdays at Anyonita Nibbles
<div class="Anyonita Nibbles Featured Button for Tasty Tuesdays" style="width: 150px; margin: 0 auto;"> <a href="http://www.anyonita-nibbles.co.uk" rel="nofollow"> <img src="https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEg79EN2jVEvFcoKJnOZ7SFWNVSEDmVElHnHkTF5DGhDRUzYSCjo6P7PM3Jv6Fgt54LJLDYqwI5ndQYCElqzG9hZ9OEBUbhdyihv96dIrdTQw81US7_uwa-pZEcPjoHWjon7ZSzhsIL79dM/w310-h225-no/AnyonitaNibblesFeatured.png" alt="I was featured on Tasty Tuesdays at Anyonita Nibbles" width="251" height="346" /> </a> </div>

Even if you weren't featured, you can still spread the word about the party by grabbing this button:

I party and get pinned at Tasty Tuesdays at Anyonita Nibbles
<div class="Anyonita Nibbles Party Button for Tasty Tuesdays" style="width: 150px; margin: 0 auto;"> <a href="http://www.anyonita-nibbles.co.uk" rel="nofollow"> <img src="https://lh5.googleusercontent.com/P5MLA6ASfeHZdbHTvb6jNQZagAn6Utumm248SOabLlI=w282-h205" alt="I party and get pinned at Tasty Tuesdays on Anyonita Nibbles" width="251" height="346" /> </a> </div>

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What do you think of this recipe? Be sure to tag me in any recipes you make on social media and use #anyonitanibbles!